Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Adventurous Excursions -

Raja Ampat and the Whale Sharks of Cenderawasih Bay Cruise
Raja Ampat and the Whale Sharks of Cenderawasih Bay Cruise
Photo Credit:

Looking for adventure travels and excursions? Check out and their sporting adventures!

Keep living fearlessly!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mindset: Adventure

Photo credit:
If you're reading this blog, you might be asking, "Do I have to go on a big adventure to live fearlessly?" The answer is a resounding "NO"! Living fearlessly is a mindset, not a destination.

For me, I changed my mindset about how I was looking at turning 40...that was the POINT where my mindset changed. I made a conscience effort to change my mindset and perceptions about being 40 and beyond. It wasn't the end of my life, it was a new beginning. When I flew to San Francisco and celebrated my 40th birthday, I used that point in my life as a mindset change going forward for all of the adventures to come. It was me telling myself..."Hey, your life isn't over! You've got so many things you can do! Big and little things. Friends to reconnect with. Books to read. Adventures to experience!"

And remember, living fearlessly doesn't mean living without fear, it means understanding the fear exists but blowing a big 'ole fat raspberry in its face and charging ahead anyways, feeling empowered. Changing the mindset!

It also doesn't matter what age you fearlessly at 40 is where my adventures and new beginning began, but yours can begin at any age...20, 30, 60, 80!

Go out and make things fearlessly whatever age!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hug a Tree

Craigdarroch Castle

Am on my next adventure...this time, joining my best friend in a celebration of her 40th! We're taking a 6-day quest to Vancouver and Victoria, Canada! Craigdarroch Castle, Butchart Gardens, migrating orca whales, Stanley Park, Shannon Falls, 1,000 year-old rainforest, and explore Whistler - home of the 2010 Olympics...and SO MUCH MORE!

Live fearlessly!